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  1. C

    spit up saliva??

    my 7 month old chameleon just spit up something that looks like clear saliva after he started drinking.....what is it?
  2. C

    new colour

    my 7 month old veiled cham is starting to show a line of orangey red on his back and some on his head is this normal? should i tak him to the vet?
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    feeding questions

    do i have to chope up the fruit before i place it in the cage
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    feeding questions

    he is a veiled cham
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    feeding questions

    what can i feed my 5 month old chameleon besides crickets? can it eat vegetables,friuts or plants?
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    veiled chameleon

    my 6 year old son is now a proud owner of a veiled chamelon, he has many questions such as do chamelions swim? how do they clean them selves and will they eat insects such as bees wasps and spiders.
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