As I have seen here so far, many use a mesh or perforated bottom and have a removable tray underneath to collect water and dispose of it easily.
A solution I used with geckos, if the dripping is very slow, was a big bromelia in a pot, with a fat layer of rocks or plant balls (clay?) at the...
Furthermore, their skin needs a rest period at night when not exposed to UV lighting, when the proper, complementary reactions can be done to keep metabolic balance in the skin.
You wouldn't want to sleep in a solarium either, well, neither does he :D
I must say this was a pretty precise description (I personally am of the "more information is always good" school :D)
To complete the above mentioned, and as I have read further literature to complete my answers for the Repti Glo concerning post, it can be added that UVB is far better a D3 and...
Well, no humidity issues in terraria here, that's for sure ;)
If by chance anyone comes to Paris, feel free to contact me if you need tips and hints, notably on herp locations and cheap ethnic food :)
Howdy, I am almost sure to be asking this question in the wrong forum, but the Wanted section, which seemed fit, is unavailable for posting to me as I am a recent member.
I wanted to ask around if anyone in Europe, as I could count several European members, knows breeders in France or the...
As a new member I do not have as of yet any cham so pics are obviously missing :D I need more info and time before I can convince myself that I can handle one of those babies =)
And compliments to the breeders, those animals are exquisite, and the photograph quality is excellent!
Howdy there
As far as measurements are concerned, I checked out the Solarmeter 6.2 site as well as the UVguide site and a bunch of other sites dealing with this apparatus, it seems convenient and easy to use, with easily processable data, as long as you do some tests on your lights when you buy...
other, more "soviet" method as I call them, but desperate times canc all for desperate measures :) if the purpose is administering meds, you could try the good old pill-in-the-sausage tactic used for dogs:
get a syringe and a needle for it, and, well, inject a cricket or silkworm with the...
With geckos i used to drop water right over the mouth, on the "nose", one drop at a time, for the ones who needed something diluted in water. It triggered a reflex of licking the nose. Maybe this is adaptable to chameleons? It's worth a try...
I've read somewhere that the veiled chameleon's...
Oh, they are just too slow, they will inherit the earth one day, in time :D they just have to get there :)
A more real one is the northern-african custom of selling live chameleons meant to be dried out in the sun, so they can bring you good luck :eek:
seen somewhere on the internet...
Thank you all, after 3 days of presence - say 3 hours an evening (Paris is not all good on workday evenings, or when bills arrive:eek::eek:) I am still overwhelmed by the quantity of information :) my 10 year old cousin considers me, of twelve years only his elder, as too old for the internet...
Hehe yeah I guess it is hard to stick with one kind of reptile :)
More to the point, the bottom line is, there are more possible negative effects than positive conveniences in cross-breeding from my point of view.
Sure, crosses happen often in nature, especially with the phelsumas ( ;) )...
Pre-Post-Scriptum: Sorry, this one got long, but I believe details should not be omitted here for a clearer view of the whole idea :)
I may be new to chameleons on the practical side of the subject, but cross-breeding is a debate I often had with the Phelsuma species, subspecies and color...
Well well well, hello everyone! After a couple of days of ever increasing roaming on this splendid forum and site, I have finally let the Chameleon Spirits pull me in and join the Reptilehood! I am pleased to introduce myself and eager to participate, or, more realistically, watch and learn...