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  1. X

    Do my jacksons look ok?

    Yeah ive gotten them to drink. Thanks for the advice :)
  2. X

    Do my jacksons look ok?

    I recieved these guys yesterday. One female dosnt ipen her eyes often. The other female and the male seem to act ok. Their colors just seem dull or something? Im trying to get them back to doog health, they all seem dehydrated too. Also working on that with frequient misting and ive added a drip...
  3. X

    covering the sides of a screen cage

    Wow I love how you have your cage set up with the tipper and stand too!
  4. X

    covering the sides of a screen cage

    Id live to see pictures. Seems like a simple solution :)
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    covering the sides of a screen cage

    What is the easiest way to cover 3 of the sides of a screen cage? I just got 3 jacksons and it seems like their cages dont hold humidity well and wanted to cover 3 sides
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    Sterilite Bins?

    I was curious if it would be ok to use a large sterilite bin to house jacksons chams in? Id cut out 2 sides and put mesh over them, and the same thing on the lid. Would this be suitable or should I go for a repti breeze or similar cage?
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