Yea the girl who is sending to me said to just wait until after he has been sedated and looked at to avoid messing up the test but not really sure when I'll be able to afford to get him back in for it..some of my big Bill's are due this week and next week so has to be some time in between...
Thanks dude I appreciate that. Another girl who I met of Cham central also is shipping me reptaid? I think its called...I feel like such a bum but I really do appreciate all the help!!
No I transfer them out. You know those cricket keeper container things where the tubes go in the sides of the...
Hmm... what I typically tend to do for my dubias as far as gut loading I throw In whatever veggies, plant matter I have on hand. I typically tend to pick something that wont rot so fast as I don't get the chance to check the bin everyday. For q good length of time I was feeding oranges to the...
Thanks I really appreciate it
Did you see on the blood test some of the results showed below range? I'm not sure specifically what they are is that in relation to the blood cell count?
I dont think anyone is being hostile and I'm pretty sure everyone has good intentions. I'm willing to play around with different ideas but the fact of the matter is noone knows.
Additionally this is my post so please no arguing. I'd like to keep things open to the public here should anyone ever...
No it is not common that's for I've stated I've gone over husbandry a million times and nothing really pinpoints a cause as I'm doing much the same and most keepers do and none of them have any issues. ...I wonder if it is fungal if that is causing the bloody eyes? I know of its...
Blood tests came back all is normal and looks good.
My vet wants to sedate him and take a look in his mouth as she thinks he could have some fungal issue? I forget what exactly she called it but she said these fungas granuales can form in his belly or in his mouth or anywhere on him...
I know. And I had it sitting next to his cage all winter. But my house does get super dry so I imagine in general with any type of humidifer it would be tough to keep it up
Not sure where they took it from I assume tail only 1 side is black and theres like a white tip on his tail almost looks lik stuck shed but wasnt there before ...I figured maybe it was normal but just wanted to be sure. At this point I'm freaked out about anything new occurring lol
So in the winter the humidity would drop to about 10% and when I used that it would raise it to around 20-30 at the most. So not too much but possibly enough?
Yeah the humidifier I have doesnt do any of that it's literally mist -less ...i wish i would have kept my fogger ..kicking myself for that now. I brought him outside for free hours yesterday he seemed fine so intake no news as good news
OH !!okay so you probably saw the whole chaos that happened on there....yikes. dont doubt his knowledge just rather not deal with him. Wait r u drew? Your on there? At least you know the whole backstory now ..
Anyway update
no bloody issues since last week...but I am a little concerned...
Yes I have plenty of bee pollen...I took a hammer to it once and it didnt do anything...the little chopper like blender I have is for like onions and such...not sure if itll blend it but suppose i could try