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  1. W

    Chameleon not growing?

    I have a veiled chameleon who is around 5 months old. We got him at Pensacola Repticon in June or July I believe, and they said he was around 3 weeks at the time. He is about 2-3 inches including his tail. I'm wondering what he is suppose to be at 5 months and what he is suppose to look...
  2. W

    Is this safe?

    Thanks for the replies, I'll leave him downstairs
  3. W

    Is this safe?

    Couldn't come up with a short title..I have a 4-5 month old veiled chameleon who is downstairs and I want to move him in my room since I spend most of my time upstairs. The problem: I have 7 other reptiles in my room and my tegu and my green iguana (not at the same time of course) will be...
  4. W

    baby chameleon help

    Thanks, I'll go pick up some river rocks at the store soon tomorrow hopefully! SaintJimmy, I didn't mean to pull it out. I just grabbed it thinking it was eco-earth and he pulled it out himself. Though if chameleons are like other reptiles the hemipenes would be located inside the vent right...
  5. W

    baby chameleon help

    The eco-earth is just inside the top layer of the planter and we feed him by hand mostly so I don't think he ingests, he also has no other substrate in his repti-breeze. Should I really remove the eco-earth from the plant and what should I replace it with?
  6. W

    baby chameleon help

    No, it was a little pinkish red though I want to add that it was a little under the circle-like belly button they have but also above the vent.. Not familiar with chameleon anatomy is that still part of where the "umbilical" would be at?
  7. W

    baby chameleon help

    Hi, I have a baby chameleon for 2-3months now and for a few days he had something coming out of his (what I assume is where he was connected by the eggsack) belly button, it was a brownish red stick coming out of it, I'm wondering what it is? I grabbed it gently with tweezers to see if it...
  8. W

    Cricket virus info?

    I did post what they are doing before they die if that helps any... and the only fish bait place I have near me..their crickets are in awful condition which is why I went to pet store crickets lol (I had them give me half-eaten crickets..). They might not be perfect but they were way better than...
  9. W

    Cricket virus info?

    I'm losing 40 prewing/adults and 40 1/2 inch or smaller crickets a day it seemed to of increased, what do you think it could be? I kinda wanna know before I make the switch to banded crickets (right now I've been using brown house crickets) but if it isn't the virus I think I'll just stick with...
  10. W

    Cricket virus info?

    Just not a fan of having dermestid beetles in my house and room since they can infest my house since they can fly out of the container every time I open it lol I'm going to look at other suppliers and see if anyone ships without them (reason I really liked petco's crickets lol). Also on the...
  11. W

    Cricket virus info?

    I can't really switch to dubias since I live in Florida they're illegal. Plus I got quite a few reptiles that would be too small to eat them sadly. I want to try and keep my old tubs but I'm going to build new ones just to be on the safe side. I'm going to try the banded crickets from...
  12. W

    Cricket virus info?

    Yeah I'm going to clean my rubber maid tubs with a bleach solution and rinse it a few times then let it dry out for a day or two. I'll also get new egg cartons. Do you think this'll get rid of it or just build a new tub
  13. W

    Cricket virus info?

    Mulberry farms's banded crickets got the virus apparently Don't know if its the paralysis virus or not, but it shows that banded cricket aren't completely immune.. As for Ghann's, I think they just sell the banded crickets like they advertise...
  14. W

    Cricket virus info?

    Hopefully this is only one breeder who has the virus and not the start of another outbreak.
  15. W

    Cricket virus info?

    (Just joined to share whats happening with my crickets) I seem to be having issues with my crickets.. I don't know the virus very well but I am losing crickets almost every hour. Received them only a week ago. They seem to be constantly stretching and stiffening their legs for a few seconds...
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