She would open her mouth when she sees the cricket but her tongue would not go out... they were neglecting her, she would barely move and open her eyes when i got her... now she is really awake and walking all over.. i give her between for to five crickets and water every day... she look pretty...
No they are not house together we put them there just for the pic... the first one have been not introduce to a male... the second one they give it to me with the first one because her tongue is not working she was really bad and sick so i took her in and i feed her by hand every night... she...
No this is a real picture she is not under any tipe of special light... and is amazing how bright the spost are... What this mean???
she was green before a normal veiled chameleon...
My female veiled chameleon been for the past two days showing this colors..
We introduce a male and she turn like this what this colors mean??
We buyed her a week ago. please help!!!