Well, actually, I see four cages there , add some material to the back sides will help width , one of my go to Trixx is to add polystyrene fluted panels to the inside . Silicone edges and spray flexseal over the top. To make it watertight on the inside. Doors are always an issue with Wood but if...
Down and back yesterday what a trip , first went to Dale Tamura’s . Showed me some projects he’s working on. He is truly an inspiration and a great friend. Then off to Uli Nuns , where she had a terrible accident and needed to rehome her Crritifer . Loaded me up with a bunch of extra supplies ...
Apologies, accepted congratulations on your sobriety and your beautiful new Cam . Having something to focus on is a wonderful way to distract you from your past. One thing the community has given me is positivity. And I promised myself from this day forward. I will never say another negative...
Just spoke with Jake this morning . She’s very apologetic but she never received anything from you . She’s not sure why. She did send me a screenshot of her most recent inquiries.
You can use the PVC glue, but you just want to keep it from the inside of the cage (tape it off or wipe it up real quick. Put it on very perfectly as far as the edges 100% pure silicone is the same thing as marine grade silicone. It won’t harm animals. The irony is the silicone will also hold it...