Search results

  1. SauceGandhi

    Collecting Grasshoppers

    Haha wow fantastic! Yes, that's the correct one and they are huge. Because they will be so loud from the strong jumping in the shipping box, even in the bag with lots of paper towel, you may want to write "LIVE HARMLESS INSECTS" on the side of the box when shipping, so the postal workers are not...
  2. SauceGandhi

    Collecting Grasshoppers

    These are almost all adults of Chortophaga viridifasciata "green striped grasshopper", a small species.
  3. SauceGandhi

    Collecting Grasshoppers

    No idea, I've worked with plenty of diapause species, but none that came from an area that freezes. You'll have to test it out.
  4. SauceGandhi

    Collecting Grasshoppers

    Yeah that's Dissosteira Carolina (y) I sent you a message.
  5. SauceGandhi

    Collecting Grasshoppers

    Maybe Dissosteira carolina? I'll msg you.
  6. SauceGandhi

    Collecting Grasshoppers

    Thanks, I'll msg you all the info. Will accept as many helpers as I can get.
  7. SauceGandhi

    Collecting Grasshoppers

    Bringing this back for another round since they're in season right now. Especially interested in the Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona populations. I can give exact locations for abundant populations nearest to wherever anyone is, instructions on how to catch them, etc.
  8. SauceGandhi

    Grasshoppers selling

    Sorry for the late response; not sure what happened to my notifications. Nothing to worry about with permits for differential grasshoppers across states. I had to get a permit from my own state, but I think only California and Florida require permits for that.
  9. SauceGandhi

    Low stock atm because fumigation happening soon 😢

    Low stock atm because fumigation happening soon 😢
  10. SauceGandhi

    Giant green banana roaches

    Dang, still no luck finding the "giants"... surely someone has them :LOL:
  11. SauceGandhi

    Giant green banana roaches

    Ahh yeah I understand.
  12. SauceGandhi

    Giant green banana roaches

    Yikes, unlucky! What caused the die off?
  13. SauceGandhi

    Giant green banana roaches

    I emailed him and he said he was out :( Still searching!
  14. SauceGandhi

    insect water crystals

    Always felt water crystals were a scam... never really understood it. Even if you needed max hydration, you can buy this thing called lettuce, which is basically all water :LOL:
  15. SauceGandhi

    Giant green banana roaches

    Oh really, I had no idea. How much slower are we talking?
  16. SauceGandhi

    Giant green banana roaches

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for giant green banana roaches (Panchlora sp. "giant") - does anyone sell these anymore?
  17. SauceGandhi

    Hover Flies

    They are great food :)
  18. SauceGandhi

    Ah yeah that was probably the last one left for the week. Stock is pretty good atm.

    Ah yeah that was probably the last one left for the week. Stock is pretty good atm.
  19. SauceGandhi

    Grasshopper food

    Differentials like weedy plants :)
  20. SauceGandhi

    US Feeder Grasshopper Sale

    Yes, anything listed on the website is available, unless it says "out of stock".
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