His name is Soba because I thought it'd be amusing since his T.hoenheli brother was called Yaki. So Yaki-Soba get it? Lol
He's a Machakos hill jackson. He upgraded into the big cage recently because my T.hoe ended up not making it past this heat wave of 120 in my area. He's very very active...
Ah okay just was curious since I know some acrylic plastics do allow uvb to go through and since it came with the plant growth fixture I was hoping it was one of those rip
My light fixture after about a year decdied to die on me recently so I ordered a new one. I use duo fixtures ao that i can have a uvb and a plant growth light. So my fixture came in today and this fixture comes with like a plastic slide in screen that would be pretty cool to have so that water...
It's quite a bit chonkier then the ones I've seen, but that's a helmeted chameleon or a triceros hoenheli if you want the fancy name.
If you just got this cham I'd recommend checking this out! https://chameleonacademy.com/trioceros-hoehnelii/
Pretty much has all the info you need on there, but...
Also as they grow up they start shedding sections of their body off at a time. So don't be alarmed if you only see his head shed and nothing else for a while. As someone else said you don't have to do anything. My guy had some shed skin stuck to his forehead for a good 2 months. I guess it never...
Here's a picture of the little fly addict that lives in my room. He saw that I had the hornworm container and came out to the edge of his jungle to be feed lol. Bonus pic of him sleeping as well since I was actually able to take a decent picture of him sleeping for once
Sadly I ended up catching that wonderful covid19 that is floating around. I got hit super bad and was basically bed ridden for almost a whole month. Because of that my boy hadn't gone outside on his tree at all, so now that I'm better I decided to take him out for a bit. He looked pretty happy...
I believe that the earliest a jacksons can get pregnant is at 5 months so I don't think she's pregnant. Jacksjill will correct this if I'm wrong
The eating issue might just be a good ol hunger strike. She is probably sick of crickets and dubias don't look good to her so she doesn't want to eat...
Usually I'd post outside pictures of my boy, but it seems that this year the desert I live in decided to actually be a desert and its been at a constant 100°f-110°f here. So I can't take my little guy outside. So today you get inside pics of him where its nice and cool because of the AC.
I got...
Not to be rude, but if you actually want help you should post pictures so that errors can be pointed out where they exist. It just seems really counter productive to ask for help but not do the things people ask you to do, so that they can help you. You should put aside whatever reason you have...
It's always the scariest when we don't know what issue our little guys have. Since parasites are ruled out and that was going to be my guess I ain't much help here. My only other guess is that since he won't eat or drink maybe he just doesn't want to use his tongue because he hurt it in some...
Heya a have a question for ya. So tomorrow I get to upgrade my chameleon into his new bigger cage and because if that I'm looking for a bigget fixture since i have a 12 inch one rn. The one you linked is the one i was looking into. So my question is, are the bulbs it comes with ones that give...