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  1. TheMotherChameleon

    Frantically moving around cage

    how old is it? Sometimes they start exploring their cage looking for a mate
  2. TheMotherChameleon


    That’s SO sad 😭
  3. TheMotherChameleon

    What to feed a chameleon

    do you mean my local Petco or Petsmart? would they be reliable places to get hornworms?
  4. TheMotherChameleon

    What to feed a chameleon

    Oops I thought you meant the frozen insect cubes lol
  5. TheMotherChameleon

    What to feed a chameleon

    Yes, I have seen the cubes and know that you need to feed live insects. But what if I got some hornworms and I know that they grow like crazy so I would have to feed them off pretty fast so what would be the limit? and should I only feed the hornworms or should I feed them with some other feeders?
  6. TheMotherChameleon

    What to feed a chameleon

    What about waxworms? I know they are not very nutritional but would it be okay to feed one or two a day along with the roaches supers etc?
  7. TheMotherChameleon

    What to feed a chameleon

    Hello everyone, I am planning on getting a panther chameleon soon and I am wondering if dubia roaches, bsfl, super worms and the occasional hornworm (once he gets old enough) is enough variety
  8. TheMotherChameleon

    Dark and dull coloration

    If she starts exploring her enclosure she is probably looking for a place to lay her eggs
  9. TheMotherChameleon

    Dark and dull coloration

    I don’t think that will be enough
  10. TheMotherChameleon

    Dark and dull coloration

    If you want more details about egg laying check out Neptune the chameleons video on egg laying
  11. TheMotherChameleon

    Dark and dull coloration

    Also make sure there is a stick leading into it it so she can get down there easily
  12. TheMotherChameleon

    Dark and dull coloration

    Make sure that it is moist enough that if you dig a tunnel it will not collapse
  13. TheMotherChameleon

    Dark and dull coloration

    I think that darker colors might mean she is gravid but I’m not 100% sure, do you have a lay bin for her?
  14. TheMotherChameleon

    Sambava boys🔥

    They look amazing! Great job with them!
  15. TheMotherChameleon

    Tail Tuesday

    Bilbo has a very handsome butt!
  16. TheMotherChameleon

    What should I feed my chameleon if no food

    Both good places to buy from
  17. TheMotherChameleon

    What should I feed my chameleon if no food

    Yes, or Josh’s frogs
  18. TheMotherChameleon

    Help! General questions

    They start puffing out the casque is where you can really tell if they are getting overweight
  19. TheMotherChameleon

    Help! General questions

    I don’t know if it is possible to find out the age from the size of the cham but I don’t think so
  20. TheMotherChameleon

    Help! General questions

    I do not have a chameleon yet I am setting up my cage getting ready for one
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