Thank you so much I will read it!
Is it okay that the plants I got a flimsy? They don’t seem to hold her so I don’t know if she will walk on them. Or just stay in one spot all the time. And what does it mean that she kept pawing at the glass and wanted to be out once I changed things around? I...
Thank you so much for all your help! I will let you know when I’m ready for the egg laying process. I went out today and got some real plants that are safe but they are a little flimsy for her. Ever since putting them in she is pawing at the glass and wants to get out. I let her sit on my head...
Did you see that I filled out that review? I would love to hear your thoughts. Also I switched the light out last night and at the bottom of the cage it is only 74 degrees is that correct?
Is there a sight you can use to buy these plants? I live in Maine and it is very hard in winter especially to find any of these.
2 more concerns:
I have heard about Neptune the chameleon and have watched a lot of her videos until people started saying she does not know what she is talking...
I have only had this chameleon for 1 month and she is a pied veiled chameleon. I believe she is a girl because I do not see a tascal spur. I can attach a picture of her back legs
I usually handle her one a day but sometimes I go 2 days without handling when she shows me that she isn’t in the...
the cage has a mister and the temp is usually between 85-95 the humidity during the day is usually between 35-45 and at night as high as I can get it. I have a water fountain that she drinks from and a heat lamp and uvb light. I give small crickets and meal worms and dust them with calcium. I...
I got my chameleon a month ago and he/she fell today when I added something new to the cage and slipped on it. Now tonight he/she is sitting with his mouth open, pawing at the glass and trembling with his arm in the air. What do I do?? Does anyone know what is wrong