Rou is so lovely. I keep hoping for her to trust me soon so I can spend a bit more time with her lol. Yes, I’m planning to breed when they are old enough. A few more months to go.
Thank you 😊 I’m so in love with them. Yesterday and today were the days I handle them, take them to their outside tree, and just spend so much time in their presence. It was lovely 😊🥰
Thank you so much! It took a little less than a week to build the enclosure, about 3 days to finish the inside components and do the bio active setup. And like a day and half to build out the misting system, run the tubes and test everything. The misting system could have taken a half a day but...
Stood perfectly still for 30 minutes hoping Ambrose would take a silkworm from my hand…no luck. Held a silkworm in front of my beardie for a fraction of a second…gone. Took it so fast I barely saw him do it 😂
I really like the size of these. Are they like dubia, in that they won't reproduce in my house if they get free. It's the unspoken roach rule my pather has given me 😂
Sitting outside working while Ambrose my panther Cham explores his outside tree…so naturally I can’t get any work done and I’m watching the sky for killer birds 😅 he looks happy tho
Silks for hornworms? Lol
I’m still learning and I’m having so much trouble with them. I’m thinking it was because I was feeding mulberry leaves and is so hard to keep the leaves fresh long enough in their box for them to eat enough. Unless I dump a lot of leaves then it makes cleaning a...
My dog is a cockapoo, he has floppy ears so I end up sniffing his ears a few times a year just to make sure they are ok…HATE that job 🤢 but I love my boy 😅 it’s like playing the worst lotto ever cuz when I when I lose money 😅