Is this plant okay? I’ve done some research and I’m seeing people say it’s okay then other people say it’s toxic so I really don’t know who I’m supposed to be listening to
I plan on getting a plant or 2 for my chameleons cage but I was wondering what kind of plant and anything I should know about putting plants in the cage. So my first question is what kinda of plants should I get I want 1 in the front of the cage and 1 in the back I want 1 with bigger leaves and...
Do chameleons dream or have nightmares because very rarely my cham with wake up in the middle of the night I’ll hear him run around his cage like he’s scared and he will fall and things like that so I’m wondering if this is something bad or what’s going on and I wanna know if anyone has answers?
I noticed a black spot in Zippy’s mouth it’s the little spot on the top of his mouth I don’t know if I should be worried or not also I really don’t know how to take pictures of the inside of his mouth I tried to take the best pictures I could and I did my best not to stress him out so I’m sorry...
Thank you for the info! Do they eat regular stuff I use dandelion for gutloading and also do you know if they could escape? Because I don’t want roaches running around my house lol
So I’m just wondering how easy these roaches are to take care of because I know they are better than crickets and I want to try than for my cham so I’m just wondering can they fly or jump and do they breed very easily because I don’t want to breed them I just want to buy them and feed them to my...
Thank you he actually just pooped and yeah I know they don’t pee I just call the white stuff pee but he went in the back of his cage behind all the leaves and as I was leaving the room I saw it and it was huge LOL
My chameleon Zippy was just recently moved to a new bigger cage. And he has been in there for maybe a week and a half now. He has not pooped or peed I’ve checked his cage an he hasn’t gone yet from what I can see. He normally pooped every other day and also pees or if he doesn’t poop he’d pee...
I was FINALLY able to get Zippy a new cage it took too long but I’m hoping things are gonna he better now I know I need to get a new light for him also but if anyone can show me good links or ways to set them up cus I know there’s the long ones I need but I don’t know how to set those up and is...
Thank you everyone for your help if anyone can send me links for the right equipment that would be great I truly do want the best and I trust everyone would want to help so if anyone can send links to cages, lights, plants for outside I could use or inside or any more tips anyone could possibly...
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?
Veiled Chameleon Male I’ve had him for 11 months he was 4 months old when I got him
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
I take him out of his cage regularly I’ll...
Thank you I do want to get him that stuff I don’t have the money but I will get it as soon as possible and how do I fill it out so I copy and paste it as a reply or what do I do?
I’m not trying to lie to anyone I’m not perfect Zippy was my first pet I’ve ever had I did research for over 2 years I’m still learning and trying this is a pic of him in his cage he is sleeping but like I said I’m not trying to lie or bs anyone. I’m still learning and trying to have the...