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  1. N

    Not eating, no poop

    Thanks. We got the chameleon from a breeder at Repticon and Bw the breeder and rep for supplies we got a ton of bad info. I avoid pet stores for animals bc of the fact that the workers usually don’t know enough information. My pet stores don’t even sell chameleons!! I just can’t understand...
  2. N

    Not eating, no poop

    I reported
  3. N

    Not eating, no poop

    Thank you. I tried to read about the issues we were having to see if a vet appt was necessary. I was trying to not over react. I have spent a month talking with a breeder making sure everything is correct for our new guy. I have asked a million questions, sent a dozen pics of set up etc...
  4. N

    Not eating, no poop

    Apparently you didn’t read a damn thing. I got a ton of bad info when we got the chameleon and I did do research but there’s a ton of conflicting information on the internet, even in this forum. So who do I believe? I had spent a ton of time researching and have corrected the problems. My...
  5. N

    Not eating, no poop

    Thank you. I’ve been on chameleon academy and watching Neptune a lot. Took a bunch of notes and ordered everything. (Waiting on a few more items) Getting a baby was a big mistake. I’m not even looking at that breeder.
  6. N

    Reputable breeder in NC

    Looking for a reputable breeder in NC. Our baby chameleon passed away this am and we want another one. Spent a ton of time and money researching and buying a new setup. Before we purchase I will post what I have and have learned to make sure we do it right. Def not doing a baby again. Would...
  7. N

    Not eating, no poop

    Thanks everyone for the help. We will try again in a bit but going to research more about which chameleon would be better and at what age we should get. If you have any advice I would appreciate it.
  8. N

    Not eating, no poop

    It died this morning. I’m not sure if I messed up giving it it’s meds (went into lungs), I was careful about squirting to much, waited in between letting it swallow or if it was just too far gone. I’m upset. We will get another since we have everything but will get an older one. These...
  9. N

    Not eating, no poop

    I have to figure out how to raise the T5 up, I dont have anything to prop it up. I have a small polka dot plant in there along with his fake vine. I know the fake plant isn’t ideal but it is providing some shade. They did say to raise his temp in his enclosure. I think it’s sitting at 75-80...
  10. N

    Not eating, no poop

    She went off the color however I found a thread about this and the pics shown were not the same as what we saw. There was no way to do blood as the Cham is just too small. She put it on milk thistle, meloxicam, calcium, enroflixacin and critical care carnivore which the is the nutritional...
  11. N

    Not eating, no poop

    So went to the vet. Very sick. She believes something is wrong with his liver based on the color of its mucosa. It only weighs 1.8 grams at 5-6 months old. So we have 4 medications and a nutritional supplement with calcium. She said it could take 1-2 weeks before we see any improvement. So...
  12. N

    Not eating, no poop

    I don’t have anything to set the floor panel on. We have already drilled holes into it for drainage and have all that setup. I’ve had several ppl say that the larger enclosure is fine so I went ahead and bought it.
  13. N

    Not eating, no poop

    Ok. I will call the vet today. The T5 is 24” and the current enclosure is really small. So should we go ahead and set up the bigger enclosure now and then redo it when we get the dragon ledges? What does the eyes closed a lot mean? Been trying to research but haven’t found a good answer. I...
  14. N

    Not eating, no poop

    So we were using calcium with D3 a couple times a week. But I learned that wasn’t right. So I bought calcium with no D3 for every dusting, reptivite vitamins for every other week and now calcium with D3 every other week. But it stopped eating when I made this switch. Seeing no urates, but I’m...
  15. N

    Not eating, no poop

    Ok. We haven’t moved it yet to new enclosure bc we are still waiting on some supplies like the mister and dragon ledges. I don’t want to stress it out by setting it up and then redoing it once everything comes in. Not sure when ledges will be here, they havent shipped yet (bought Thursday am).
  16. N

    Not eating, no poop

    No it’s been alone since we got it. I’ve read about hunger strikes but after almost a week we are just concerned bc it’s been eating (fruit flies) and pooping well. I’m just so afraid of this large enclosure and it not being able to hunt (if it starts eating again). I read they will figure it...
  17. N

    Not eating, no poop

    So my chameleon hasn’t eaten or pooped in close to a week. We kinda screwed up with some things but working on correcting; we have a new cage 2x2x4, new lighting, mister on order, live plants etc. however until everything comes in, chameleon is in a small glass enclosure. We didn’t...
  18. N

    Are we doing something wrong?

    Ok. I will have to do that. If I can get him to eat anything.
  19. N

    Are we doing something wrong?

    Well then maybe they aren’t. They def look dried out and not moving. Well next time this happens I will wait and see what happens. Do I do anything special or just leave them in the substrate they come in (like put it all in a bigger container so the flies can emerge?)
  20. N

    Are we doing something wrong?

    They all end up dying before they pupate. He hasn’t eaten I don’t think in now 3 days. Idk I’m super frustrated with this whole process. Won’t eat from a feeder cup so only fruit flies but now that’s not happening. We screwed up supplements but I’ve boughten everything and correcting but if...
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