she’s always allowed me to pick her up, she’s just been pissy lately although i didn’t know if that’s from her meeting to lay sometime soon. yes they can see each other, should i move them on opposite sides of the room or completely different rooms.
so i recently got a baby boy veiled chameleon & the female that i have had since september has gotten mad about it (i think). i put them in the same area in my room, a few feet away from each other, so they could eventually get used to each other but when i go to feed her or let her out for free...
i was on petco’s website and saw that there was a lot of new products, including this one.. what’s your opinion on this ?? i’m wondering if it actually helps to keep humidity up.
EDIT: i am not trying to upset or offend anyone, i’m not even asking for myself i am sending everyone’s response to the person who wanted to know. thank you.
do you guys things it’s possible to make a chameleon into a service animal or an emotion support animal? i know people do that for...