Are you talking about T. jacksonii jacksonii or T. jacksonii xantholophus?
All species listed above need a substantial night drop, but hoehnelii need more of a drop than what the jacksonii need. I try to get mine as cold as I can inside. Usually around 52 is what I can achieve. But this needs...
I am actually thinking about this now. Maybe running some sort of PVC system throughout the greenhouse that can simulate rain inside. The greenhouse was hurt by yesterdays storms, so I would imagine a shower inside would be no big deal. I am actually excited about coming up with something like this.
It was very very frustrating.
Yeah, I have to do some temp changes to get certain responses I need from my chameleons, but I never thought something like a heavy storm would provoke anything other than a hide response. It was very interesting.
I know everyone is going to open up this thread and suggest drainage pans...HAHA!
I don't have a screen cage drainage issue....I have a large drainage issue!! Any thoughts?? Just kidding.
We had a flashflood today and my cloud forest became a rainforest real quick today. But the chameleons...
I would say there must be an infection. A vet visit is a must to get Lincoln started on antibiotics. That is if that's what it is. I am not claiming to be able to diagnose him via forum. But his slow decline suggests something building in his system like infection. Getting some antibiotics in...
I am all about the Orange Heads. Andrew got me hooked on them. My melleri love them.
On a different topic, it would be cool if someone would raise hornworms up and let them pupate and sell the pupae. That way the person can just wait for them to emerge. I feed these more than the hornworm...
They can have impactions/blockages and still poop. But that is neither here nor there. They can get parasites from feeders is just one example. I have had CBB animals that have got parasites.
The biggest question.... was this a quick onset of issues or was this a gradual onset. Meaning did you...
Hate to hear this @Meg4433. Unfortunately, the symptoms you described could be a myriad of issues. Impaction, infection, parasites, etc. If he is to the point where you are having to give him fluids, it is pretty bad. I would get him to a vet just in the off chance that it is something easily...
Very nice non-traditional enclosure. I like the idea. What exactly did you use?
I would name him Biby. It is Malagasy for beast. I love verrucosus and they are definitely undervalued in the hobby. Well done!!