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  1. Veild Cham Owner

    The Greenhouse Grasshopper Gorge

    What awesome videos!! Good looking chams and a fantastic cage for them!!
  2. Veild Cham Owner


    ok thank you so much!!!!
  3. Veild Cham Owner


    Hello everyone So as my 8 month old veiled cham is growing rapidly and has outgrown his branches that i bought for him a couple months ago. What do you guys use for your your older chams branches. I have heard that you can use just regular branches from outside. Clean them a lil then bake them...
  4. Veild Cham Owner

    veild chameleon

    do you have him in a screen cage? Sometimes when mine climbs on the screen cage the tend to break or fall off. No need to worry tho they grow back!! Every animal that has a nail (almost all) and the nail breaks, it will always grow back. I had my chameleon nails cut, bad mistake, but they grew...
  5. Veild Cham Owner


    Yes I did, I have this cleaner and at the top of it it had a little scrubby and I scrubbed the wall with it
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