@Mrjamwin Table A of this study shows a good example that what you feed the insect isn’t necessarily what you’re going to feed the reptile.
Table B (Beta carotene) however is confusing ?
Yes, but I think I would need to go through lots of basic veterinary classes before I can begin to study nutrition as a specialty and even before I can study exotics.
Nope, tripe ( the stomach of grazing mammals) are very beneficial to predators like wolves, dogs, and big cats. It would be a great source of nutrition for Godzilla, in the right sized prey animal that is :)
I don't think so. To Godzilla you're a tiny human, eating teeny weeny food with teeny weeny nutrients for his large body. Your body digest and uses up all of the mini nutrients from the food that's already not so nutritious for Godzilla's humungous body. In order for the food that you eat to...
Perhaps it's because of how the feeder insects process and deliver nutrients to the insectivore. If I'm reading the studies correctly, calcium will be delivered to the reptile through their gut while vitamins will be absorbed by the feeder insect's body over time.
To me gut loading is force feeding a diet that has been proven to increase calcium and/or vitamin levels in feeder insects for 24-48 hours before being fed to the reptile. I see diets like Repashy Superload, Mazuri Better Bug, T- Rex Calcium Plus (vitamins), and T- Rex Cricket Diet Dust...
This is from Jaimee Alsing. She’s a buddy that I like to discuss gutloading nutrition with and she made this chart to help show the results of that long study that I posted.
I know you made this comment a while ago but I wanted to answer this question.
It’s not that the diet doesn’t have enough nutrients, the problem is that it has too much calcium for maintenance. The calcium is small enough in size to force the cricket to eat it in order to reach the proteins...
Very interesting, here’s the full nutritional analysis of the guinea pig diet that I use by the way. Measuring nutrient ratios and converting nutritional units aren’t my strong suits but I try?. https://pims.purinamills.com/BusinessLink/media/Mazuri/ProductSheet/5E6A.pdf?ext=.pdf
This talk of vitamin A effecting vitamin D synthesis is making me wonder if I should switch my maintenance diet to Mazuri Ramphastid hand feeding formula for its lower vitamin A levels but higher vitamin D. https://pims.purinamills.com/BusinessLink/media/Mazuri/ProductSheet/5TWY.pdf?ext=.pdf
@ferretinmyshoes Have you read this study? It's one that I like referring to when I'm figuring out what other diets I could use for maintenance. https://www.freepatentsonline.com/y2014/0030375.html
I don’t provide a calcium dish
The hobby is changing. I used to believe heating pads were the best for nocturnal/crepuscular geckos but now I believe all reptiles should have a DHP or even better a basking lamp.
@kinyonga For my leo I use a T5 5.0 Reptisun mounted inside of the enclosure and without a reflector. I supplement with ZooMed’s Repti calcium without D3 and Reptivite with D3 Once a week. It’s nice to meet you all ?.