I've seen some pvc cages and I like that they could keep in spray and keep up humidity, but I'm not completely sold on the safety of pvc. What are your opinions on potential long term issues with pvc? I know lots of people have pvc cages and are doing fine, so I might just be being paranoid.
Hey guys I’m sorry about me asking about just basic questions about these Chams. But I just can’t find a ton of info. The thing I’m most confused on is the night temperature. Do rudis need temp drops into the 50s/40s? Or is low 60s okay? I’ve been reading through a lot of contradictory information.
Thanks, this was pretty helpful. As for the handling, I understood these were more of a “look, don’t touch pet, “ but never knew that they are so very prone to stress! If you don’t mind me asking, where did you find that they can be so stressed by handling that they could possibly even go on a...
I guess my real question was: are rudis chameleons very delicate? Are they significantly harder than the "big three"? Not trying to ignore all the advice, but just wanted a straight answer. So far on the internet I've heard that they are very hardy, or that they are very difficult.