I was harassing Vedool with the camera this morning because he was sitting really cute. He did good to hold the pose for photos, but eventually got upset, as you'll see.
Didn't grab his weight yet this week. I'll sneak it in after he falls asleep tonight.
Took photos with and without flash to...
I don't want to get too excited, but I think he ate two crickets today. I added three crickets to his dish with four supers and two of each were gone by the time I got home
Vedool could give or take me.
He isn't a lover by any means, but he tolerates me.
If he's basking and I put my hands near him, he'll lurch around and puff up. If I touch him anywhere else in the enclosure, he's fine. He doesn't actively run to crawl around on me, but if I stick my hand under...
Oh by no means would I ever recommend them getting down into the 40's, I just recall reading somewhere that they are ok if they get that low. I believe it was in reference to taking them to the vet in cold weather.
I already feel badly letting them get chilly at 68. The dragons feel like ice packs!
I mean this in the best way possible, but you may get more responses by starting your own thread :) I personally don't know anything about raising Jacksons
What a cutie! V says friends are allowed on his page :)
I love the chameleon mouths, I'm not sure what it is about them. I tell V all the time i love his mouth and chin.
Dat chin!!
He's too young to understand that lol, all good
I got the tree for $10 on facebook marketplace. I had been browsing for a while for one that was reasonable. Fake trees tend to be super expensive
Thanks for the input!
As mentioned, this topic is a little misleading. I should perhaps now change the title, but I think the title may help others looking to prepare as well and see what one could experience.
This has become essentially a memorial thread, and the journey of what lead me to...