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  1. Traildrifterphalanx

    Preparing for my first chameleon, tips appreciated

    Finally got a measurement on him. He's 12.25" and about 5-6 months old. Is he on track?
  2. Traildrifterphalanx

    Preparing for my first chameleon, tips appreciated

    Thanks all, and while the title no longer applies, I think it's a great learning opportunity for those serious about getting their first one, what to look for, etc. I'm glad this thread has a happy ending, especially because it was so hard to try for a third time, but I'm very glad to have V...
  3. Traildrifterphalanx

    Preparing for my first chameleon, tips appreciated

    He put on his pjs. Vjs :)
  4. Traildrifterphalanx

    Preparing for my first chameleon, tips appreciated

    Only up 2g this week due to The Great Cricket Boycott of October. He's been refusing to eat his crickets and has been eating his plants instead..
  5. Traildrifterphalanx

    Preparing for my first chameleon, tips appreciated

    Really hard to capture his colors with this stupid flash, but I assure you, he's beautiful lol
  6. Traildrifterphalanx

    Preparing for my first chameleon, tips appreciated

    He's boycotting crickets, so he's getting some tough love. He's eating his plants instead of the loose crickets and giving me side glares, waiting for super worms
  7. Traildrifterphalanx

    Preparing for my first chameleon, tips appreciated

    He ignored me and went to sleep, but I'll assume he wants to be teal. He's got some yellows coming in
  8. Traildrifterphalanx

    Preparing for my first chameleon, tips appreciated

    He says thanks :) I was showing him pictures of adult veileds and asking him what color he wanted to be as he was falling asleep
  9. Traildrifterphalanx

    Preparing for my first chameleon, tips appreciated

    Popped him on the scale before tucking him into bed, 74g, didn't grab a pic
  10. Traildrifterphalanx

    Preparing for my first chameleon, tips appreciated

    Though the common chameleon, I'm very in love with veileds. Their sass is strong! How old is your new buddy?
  11. Traildrifterphalanx

    Preparing for my first chameleon, tips appreciated

    I can't believe the growth in two months!! He used to be so bitsy, I don't even remember him being that small Haven't weighed him yet tonight. He's fast asleep now, don't want to disturb him
  12. Traildrifterphalanx

    Preparing for my first chameleon, tips appreciated

    He's going to be very upset when the new batch of crickets arrive
  13. Traildrifterphalanx

    Preparing for my first chameleon, tips appreciated

    Wow I did not receive notifications for any of these! Sorry guys! Yesterday was two months with V! Someone has decided crickets aren't as good as super worms now. My phone scares him in his enclosure..
  14. Traildrifterphalanx

    Preparing for my first chameleon, tips appreciated

    I think my main advice I can give is just go all out. Don't skimp, don't cut corners. Everyone says they are fragile, and I think I truly underestimated how fragile they were. If I were to do everything again, I would have gotten an automatic mist system before getting my first. While I doubt...
  15. Traildrifterphalanx

    Preparing for my first chameleon, tips appreciated

    Very cute! So tiny! I love them as babies but so glad I don't have any more babies to feed
  16. Traildrifterphalanx

    Preparing for my first chameleon, tips appreciated

    V would not allow me to weigh him!! Took so much convincing, like 30 whole minutes Get on the scale!!! Finally!! A cool 67g and coming up on his two month anniversary!
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