That just means your basking area is too hot, make sure it is atleast 6 inches below your light, and your basking spot is between 85 - 95F. She could also be gravid, i dont know too much about that though, might want to ask someone that keeps female veileds.
Backwaterreptiles, though ive heard horrible things about them.. I wouldnt buy anything from them, but they do have a 100% live arrival guarantee and a 7 day extended guarantee.
I would also hook it up to a thermostat, i can post some pictures of mine if you want, but yea, outside set the fridge to warm, hook it up to a thermostat set to 78 - 80F and leave it in a dark place for about 10 days, make sure you dont open it, also if you use clear containers to seperate the...
He would probably be angrier, i wouldnt, i would take his favorite food, pull its legs off and set it on the stick then put the stick infront of him, he will then climb out onto the stick to get the food.