One thing I did notice in your husbandry is that you are misting 5-6 times a day for 30 seconds you need to be misting longer chameleons need to be stimulated into drinking and that just isn't long enough I would say 3-4 times a day for 3-4 mins min. And to keep the humidity up try to add some...
@kinyonga this was the feedback from Thursday I would like to think that all of the problems were fixed but I am uncertain withought a picture of the now "current" set up that anything has been corrected..
Veild Chameleon,Looks Like A Male,I Got My Veild Near Dec 24,2017
I Handle My Chameleon...
No chameleon is easy to care for. Vailed chameleons are inexpensive yes... but for all there care and supplies to keep a healthy chameleon costs hundreds of dollars and needs to be monitored closely. Keeping any chameleon takes a great deal of commitment and a real passion for these creatures. I...
I find it odd that you have had a vailed chameleon before and your husbandry had so many flaws in your post I replied to
I'm so sorry @jannb. :( He will be in everyone's hearts today I'm sure. You are a great reptimom and it breaks my heart to hear he is gone. My condolences.
I suggest you do a lot more research I feel like you bought this animal on a whim and they require so much so please read the Chamaeleon care form and do research on veiled male chameleons if you don't start now you're chameleons only going to suffer.
Perfect size for him he will be vary happy in that.
You can also look into building one.. search for threads and please read the chameleon care sheet on the home page.
I think they will. Don't stress on it just make changes as you can and she will be fine. I sat in the home improvement store for way too long checking the safe plant list and then going and checking what seemed like all the plants haha! But your enclosure loos awsome and I'm glad your little...