Well for your information I know exactly what I'm doing, It's not a fountain were it's reservoir is wide open and uncovered free of poop to fall in it. It's clearly covered and there are clearly many chameleon owners who own this product I attached below which is where I got my idea/concept...
If the member has a hydration issue I thought I'd help, if your insinuating I shouldn't have posted my link in his thread.. Only trying to help if that's what you meant. It just so happens that my latest post had to do with hydration and this member was curious if his cham looked hydrated. I...
Check out my new post or check out my diy fountain. Only costs $12.04 to make. It will keep him hydrated 24/7. Easy to make, inexpensive. Easy to clean up. Safe. Awesome!
Man, I did research for about 4-5 months before even attempting it. Purchased everything and set it up before having him. Went through over a hundred videos on YouTube etc.. Glad I did my homework, my guy is super healthy, happy, friendly and my setup looks awesome. If I were you, I'd dedicate...
Here's a inexpensive, safe, sanitary way to make and keep a fountain in your cage without worries of poop or your cham getting into it and drowning.
Items I used
1. Tetra water pump (small) $10.96
2. Dollar Tree Container with cap ($1.06)...
It was grossing me out so I sprayed it with warm water for a few mins then pulled it out with zoo med wooden tweezer/tongs.. Had to pull hard but he looked super relieved and so was I. Thanks guys.
Umm like an hour to make.. 1 1/2 max ... Simple
Wrap twine around the base
Pred drill a hole in the base with the screw
Drill the screw threw plate from the bottom up
Lift the plate and place the base pre drilled hole to the screw
Have someone Hold the base while you use a drill to drill...
I'm actually still adding an additional level with another branch connecting them at a Angle. I'll upload a new photo when done.. wrapping the branches now.. sucks lol..