This is not a panther this is not a Parson this is not a Miller or Johnson. Another rescue why are they always veiled:ROFLMAO:. The brochures said they'd only be some veileds :ROFLMAO:. And why all the angry ones
Yeah I can't really get too close to see it totally on his leg but that just looks like a stubborn skin or sometimes we get a little discoloration when shedding I have a few that do that. I want to send you a picture of what a burn really looks like. He looks great though nice colors.
mine have just get it give them extra time to rest plenty of vitamins water. Don't really know it is could be too much food when they're gravid or too many vitamins. I've never had it happen when I've had them for a while. It's only happened three times on ones I receive and they have their...
Yeah I've had to the Had strand eggs. And then would drop eggs. .. there still doing fine one is actually receptive right now. I also use play sand with peat moss 4 to 1 ratio
This one Skittles my blue bar. He's probably one of the coolest he just sits on your shoulder for hours. But every time I go to the tank he thinks I'm feeding him:ROFLMAO:
What I received already gravid. Pretty sure that was our second time I'm not that positive though. And the one that just dropped them I'm pretty sure that that was her first clutch. It's the little girl that's all my avatars to just drop them