It is a female veiled chameleon it’s about 2 months old I’ve had it for about 3 weeks now
I handle it once a day so it can get used to me
I feed it super Worms and crickets
I am using reptribreeze calcium without d3 and i dust about 2-3 times a week
I mist my cage 3 times a day and I’ve seen...
my chameleon is always dark green i don’t know why I try to always make her happy by letting her do what she wants but she only every gets bright green when she’s outside someone please help :(
i recently just bought super worms to start feeding my female veiled cham and I bout oats because I know that super worms like to burrow through the oats but I am worried that the sugar in the oats might kill them, please let me know ASAP I also have potato’s as a water source and they seem to...
Im new at this chameleon owning but from what I know is that in order to sex a chameleon you can tell by the two back legs, the male veiled have an extra support on their two back legs like an extra nail for when they are mating and females don’t, if you could provide a picture of it’s two back...