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  1. spiderman


    6 toes on each hand
  2. brothers


    sons of snakeboy
  3. larry bird

    larry bird

    snakeboys 3rd son
  4. snakeboys sons

    snakeboys sons

    snakeboys sons
  5. K


    I feed mine sweet potatoes chopped greens they seem to prefer red or white sweet potatoes..out of many things put together for choices its preferred by the worms over even carrots
  6. K

    What kind of moth is this

    ive fed off the horn worm moths which seem to be the same thing..but people say not to feed off those wild worms as no idea if they have been eating tomato plants which are idea if its in the moth the toxicity...i get them all the time here drinking my pink jasmin flowers at sun down...
  7. K

    What kind of moth is this

    to feed it use you humming bird feeders..though seem you need a huge encosure they will get there wings shredded in cages
  8. K

    What kind of moth is this

    hawk moth that makes a horn worm..or tomato worm
  9. K

    babies in timelapse

    Timelapse actually has soem good uses for understanding chameleons behavior over time..also gives you clues how to improve the cage and individuals are behaving in groups etc.
  10. K

    babies in timelapse

    Have you ever looked at chameleons movements in timelapse..its pretty interesting to see how they move..they have a wobble..a friend said they look like zombies..below is an exmaple
  11. K

    Baby Panther

    to me looks like a female to me dont see any buldge past the also looks a bit malnourished with that sucked in line on the tail
  12. baby


  13. baby and dad

    baby and dad

  14. baby


  15. baby


  16. baby


  17. baby


  18. baby


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