Hi I have a male veiled from Flchams who is ready for a date, lol! He is from the Driskel bloodline. I got him in July so he is 6/7 months old now. I am not interested in being a breeder, but if you are in Louisiana and are a breeder who is interested in this bloodline just contact me and we can...
Thanks everyone for the feedback! So I guess next step is to make a post and see if someone nearby has a girl cham they would like to breed with my guy!
Can my chameleon have a favorite shirt??? I never take my Chameleon out and handle him b/c he is never interested in coming out, and I don't want to stress him out. He will eat crickets on my and but that's pretty much it. But the past few weeks he's been really grumpy....at least I think he is...
He doesn't normally yawn like that, but this morning he did so I snapped the picture. The pictures aren't that great b/c he is very shy. I have to get far away and use a telephoto lens so they are kinda dark and blurry, but you can still kinda see his pattern coming in.