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  1. sdheli420

    Incubators and Power Outages

    well i have a modded exo terra incubator, and since it has a 12volt hookup i can use a car battery, that will keep it running for about 35 hours or so..a generator would be a great fail safe (honda makes a pretty reliable, quiet, and affordable small generators) most likley only need all of...
  2. sdheli420

    Progression of free range madness!!

    everyone tells me im eventually just going to have a bed in a cham room by the time im done with the first free range, lol funny how fast they take over!:D
  3. sdheli420

    I didn't mean for it to happen... need identification help

    drinking alot is good, ied get a fecal exam from your usual sure its a wc and karma is right its about a year old (at least)..she may know you are helping and why she(i say she, cause i cant tell from the pics) is happy to be held by you.. thank the lord there are nice people still...
  4. sdheli420

    The Dreaded Box of...........

    i use tongs..only issue is they are strong and
  5. sdheli420

    What to do with deceased chameleons.

    ive frozen mine before (to do a vet determination of death) and buried them at the cliffs at the beach.
  6. sdheli420

    Misting systems
  7. sdheli420

    another batch!!!

    yeah thats what im thinkin..but at least she was receptive to him and him to her (unlike gixxer..i guess when you are around beautiful women all the time you get over it) lol
  8. sdheli420

    Is 2 as easy as 1?

    only issue is you will need two cages, one for each..and then a mistking (or close to the same thing) then more, and more and more...:D
  9. sdheli420

    Free stick insects

    i live right by balboa when i see other people looking in trees like weirdos, ....i will know what you are
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