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  1. H

    Chameleon not eating

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - His name is Randall. I bought him at the very beginning of his life and I've had him for almost two years. Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? He comes out probably once or twice a day, not usually for very long though. Usually 10-15 minutes...
  2. H

    Chameleon not eating

    To the best of my knowledge, no! That's part of my confusion. :P
  3. H

    Chameleon not eating

    This is the best picture he'll let me get of him right now. :P
  4. H

    Chameleon not eating

    Hey guys. I'm hoping you can help me out. My chameleon hasn't been eating lately. I've had him for just over a year, he seems to be drinking normally and he's not showing any other strange behavior. But I don't think he's eaten anything at all in three or four days.
  5. H

    Female Veiled Chameleon

    Hi, I have a female veiled chameleon. She was an adult when I got her, but I've only had her a year, so I'm not sure how old she is. Lately she's been acting strange. I've noticed she's constantly falling asleep, and while she used to wake up as soon as I turned her lights on, now it'll be...
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