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  1. Owen34


    Had my chameleon a few weeks now, she was 6months old when we got her. How often will she shed? She hasn't yet?
  2. Owen34

    Misting / hand misting

    I've had her a few weeks now, & today was the first time her poo had a bit of orange in it, now I'm panicking she's not getting enough water. Her poo has been fine up till now
  3. Owen34

    Misting / hand misting

    Hi at the moment I have a dripper going all day which fall on to heavy plants. My boy hand sprays her viv before putting her crickets in her cup, then we hand spray her vivarium when we get home from work. Her poo is always good so I know she's getting the water she needs. Do I need to invest in...
  4. Owen34


    Just went to see her after I posted this, couldn't see her, then all off a sudden she pop her head up from all the plants the dripper falls on lol. The she climb straight back to her branch she makes me laugh
  5. Owen34


    Cammie my female panther makes me laugh, any time I go & see her "she's in my sons room" she is always on the same branch same place. I know she moves about because she eats her crickets out of her cup & her pop has always got a white tip, so she must get her water of the plants. But she is so...
  6. Owen34


    I've had her 4 weeks now, she hasn't shed yet. But I've noticed she's going a slightly different shades now like a bit pale is that the start of shedding?
  7. Owen34


  8. Owen34


    I know people on here don't like giving there chameleons meal worms. But I thought I would get sum as a special treat. Just two every few days. I done that this morning put two in her cup with her usual crickets. She ate the meal worms & has left the crickets lol. Do u think I should cut out the...
  9. Owen34

    3weeks all good

    Had cammie 3 weeks now all going OK. I started to cup feed her because she was struggling a bit catching at first. She started to hand Feeny this week. So I started to put a few lose ones in there for her & see her catch a couple today so really pleased. She still seems to want to get really...
  10. Owen34

    Something on her?

    She is great loads of character.
  11. Owen34

    Something on her?

    Update got cammie out 2day that little lump has gone?? Don't know what it was?
  12. Owen34

    Cage??? How do?

    I used fishing line to attach mine to sides & cable ties
  13. Owen34

    Something on her?

    OK thanks
  14. Owen34

    Something on her?

    What is papilloma virus??
  15. Owen34

    Something on her?

    Yeah, she's a bit grumpy 2day, so I can't get a better picture. But I just checked on her & it seems to have gone down ? I'll keep a eye on it
  16. Owen34

    Something on her?

    She is a ambilobe panther, got her from a reptile shop who have had her from birth. She is 6 months old. She goes really black sum times but when we handle her she goes a lovely peach colour I can't get a clearer picture. I only noticed it this morning. She hasn't shed yet since I've had her
  17. Owen34

    Something on her?

    Any one?
  18. Owen34

    Something on her?

    Just noticed something on the side of my chameleon this morning what could it be?? Just behind her front leg
  19. Owen34


    True she did come straight to the dripper once when I turned it on & drank straight from it.
  20. Owen34


    Maybe, the only reason I'm thinking it's the dripper is because I have fake plants in my vivarium, I spray for about 2mins till everything is dripping but they seem to dry out quite quick
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