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  1. Nathan9803

    Possible Abcess On Chams Eye

    I recently purchased a chameleon from a pet store as a rescue and I am concerned by some possible health issues regarding a possible abcess on its eye. I wanted to get some opinions from experts on what it is and if it needs veterinarian treatment. (Pictures attached) He is a about six month...
  2. Nathan9803

    Preparing for my first chameleon, tips appreciated

    Thank you for your help!
  3. Nathan9803

    Preparing for my first chameleon, tips appreciated

    I'm aware this is a off topic question but I was wondering what qualifies you to not be a "New member" because I recently bought a chameleon as a pet store rescue and I'm pretty sure it may be having problems with an abscess on its eye but I wanted to clarify with an expert to make sure it was...
  4. Nathan9803

    Meal v Super worms

    I would feed supers dusted in calc/vite obv because meals have lots of chitin which can impact and possibly kill your Cham
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