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  1. MrsM

    I sent an email to Z Med

    Well, for a general one you can send it through the site. I will pm you with some more information though.
  2. MrsM

    I sent an email to Z Med

    Well, yeah so coming back to buy in bits and pieces is for sure their game but the problem is when people find out the hard way. Because it doesn’t say juveniles on the box and it shows a huge male panther. So I suggested they change it, and make a section on the package about what adult...
  3. MrsM

    I sent an email to Z Med

    Update: called them. The rep was really receptive ( and yes spoke English) and told me the starter kit was for juveniles. I brought up possibly calling it a Juvenile kit and showing on the side of the box what would be needed as they grow. That’s good for them in the long run. She likes the...
  4. MrsM

    I sent an email to Z Med

    Can anyone here translate my email to Mandarin? Because I will resend it.
  5. MrsM

    I sent an email to Z Med

    I love that you emailed too. How many people here that are good keepers now started off with the wrong stuff like you? And had to save up to replace it? It helps to remember that because people get triggered when they see new people with kits but if they are on here asking for tips to improve...
  6. MrsM

    I sent an email to Z Med

    Yes probably, I mean I’m not that naive. But no matter what experience tells me I try to not assume nothing will change without doing anything. When I don’t tell people directly what they are doing that needs to be changed I am only ensuring they will repeatedly disappoint me (and in this case...
  7. MrsM

    I sent an email to Z Med

    I figured why not. If you send one too screenshot it. Also disclaimer that this is my personal opinion that everyone may not share and it isn’t based on research, but inviting people to up their game seems like an opportunity for positive change.
  8. MrsM

    Scary shed

    Well today when I dabbed the silver wound treatment the upper layer of dead scab tissue came off and revealed a white scab layer. The areas have shrunk but are way more noticeable due to color.
  9. MrsM

    New feeding tricks

    Joe Rogan from fear factor? Is that your real identity?
  10. MrsM

    New chameleon closed eyes

    Hey there! How is your new chameleon today? Are the eyes still closed or was it sleeping for the night? How is it moving around today? Please don’t get discouraged by how the thread started there is still a lot you can do for your new baby so you should definitely fill out the information...
  11. MrsM

    Help? Rescued Cham with probable follicular stasis

    Wow good luck keep everyone posted
  12. MrsM

    Scary shed

    Thank you
  13. MrsM

    Anyone worked with pond foam on large cages?

    Wow that’s stunning.
  14. MrsM

    Anyone worked with pond foam on large cages?

    No. someone else’s.
  15. MrsM

    New feeding tricks

    Omg that made my day. I have trouble with Terry too...But that’s almost something you would do for a dog. I never thought to stick out my tongue usually just flip him off. It has me thinking... I wonder if I removed the whistle from these would they work,... Of course then he sees me sitting in...
  16. MrsM

    Scary shed

    Ok so here is an update on how Terry is looking. The skin seems better overall whereas the worst areas from before scabbed up so I’ve been using silver wash just on those to keep it clean. I’m concerned about the scabs but his color is brighter and he seems more perky. If you experienced folks...
  17. MrsM

    Blatant disrespect

    Whoa I fell into an Egyptian tomb of an old thread sorry .
  18. MrsM

    Blatant disrespect

    Scary Terry took a giant angry crap in my hand yesterday. It was the biggest I’ve ever seen him do and afterward he was super proud of himself. Luckily I was wearing gloves.
  19. MrsM

    veiled on the ground

    I saw your post for the first time today and read all 20 pages too. It just made me happy. I know people here want to help everyone the way they did for you. They all came together, everyone gave thorough info and became such a great team. You worked so hard to get everything right even though...
  20. MrsM

    Eggs alive?

    I’m just so sad that this happened to your chamily. I really hope some babies make it out of this tragic situation.
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