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  1. FloodedYeti

    What chameleons are best to start breeding?

    and Im going to do loads more research I know this isnt just a thing to to on a whim I know even just one cham can take up alot of time especially for someone younger like me and I do have experince with other pets and reptiles
  2. FloodedYeti

    What chameleons are best to start breeding?

    Im 15 and I did decide against the breeding since it is really difficult I was really just thinking of doing pygmys but they are hard to get and to breed but I decided to just getting one veild or panther and spending as much time as possible caring for him
  3. FloodedYeti

    What chameleons are best to start breeding?

    Where is a good place to find a breeder? I definitely will do a lot of research before buying anything since getting animals cost ALOT and I would hate putting an animal in conditions that are not top tier
  4. FloodedYeti

    What chameleons are best to start breeding?

    That sounds really cool I might start doing that when I move out and I already have a cage (might be small though since it was for praying mantis) What species would be a good starter and where is a good place to by them (since I heard pet smart places are not the best)
  5. FloodedYeti

    What chameleons are best to start breeding?

    Good idea. What breed should I start with? And is online, pet-smart/petco, or my local reptilium?
  6. FloodedYeti

    What chameleons are best to start breeding?

    Well I mean its not really going to be a side job thats what im going to tell my parents to get 2 chams and breeding sounds
  7. FloodedYeti

    What chameleons are best to start breeding?

    I don't have much experience but I have done loads of research for months and I plan to get a cham then see how it goes and get more money to get a second
  8. FloodedYeti

    What chameleons are best to start breeding?

    I've been researching on breeding chameleons as a side job does any one know a easy species to breed
  9. FloodedYeti

    Pygmy For Sale?

    I have been looking at starting to breed pygmys does anyone have any for sale?
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