One last thing i need to be checked is his mouth it seems to be getting worse he had mucus like thing in his front lip but it seems to have fallen now his front gum is exposed and dry I can clean it up but he can't close his mouth properly so it dries as well what do you suggest i do?
Idk i'm feeding him mostly mealworms and he ate a locust 3 days ago maybe i'm over thinking it cause i searched about square shapes in a chameleon poop and nothing came up also a quick question because i want to make sure does this type of screen block uvb? I noticed he gets darker when i take...
I will thanks also updates he just pooped today and the brown part which used to be all slimy and gooy now looks a lot different and it looks like any normal chameleon poop also i noticed some square shapes in it last time does this mean any thing or is it normal?
Oh also today my chameleon wanted to get out of his place and was climbing all over the place i hear this is a behavior they do when they don't like their enclosure is that right? The weather has kot been the best these days as well with strong winds and and temp swings everyday as well as rain too
Kinda turtles and tortoises are easy to find you can find others too from time to time and most people sadly get tricked by the poor products that we have for reptiles
All right it's been about 2 months now and he seems to be doing fine however the locust guy probebly forgot about my requiest so i'm thinking about caterpillars which i think i can get what do you think of that for some variety?
Hello there so it's been smooth so far however i took him inside today because of heavy rain also i can kinda convince him to eat fruits because i can move it in my hand and he eats it eventually what fruits do you recommend as kind of a replacement for multi vitamin? I gave him a bit of orange...
Hello there thanks for asking he's doing fine he's eating and drinking well just today i cleaned the bit of blood that's on the tip of his mouth but his front lip is still open is it because he's used to it being like that? And is he going to close it soon?
Also he pooped today i forgot to take...
Thanks a lot i've fed him flies for the first 2 days when he came but i soon learned that they could give him parasites and get him sick which makes sense because they're mostly walking and feeding on trash and animal poo that's why i stopped feeding him flies i did buy mealworms they're pretty...
Hello there
I ordered a 100 black soldier fly larvae and blue Bottle fly larvae but josh's frogs sadly canceled my order is there another store that delivers to saudi arabia with around the same price that is shown in the picture?
@MissSkittles @MzLaurie @elizaann2 @Sonny13 @kinyonga @Beman @Gloriawood thank you all for your help his tongue problem seems to be dealt with he can now get food from further away with his tongue he seems to be sleeping during the day but i won't take that as a concern because i recenetly...
I'm noticing some changes in his behavior today he's eating a lot and not drinking as much and he looks fat and gaping i think those are signs of shedding however the disturbing thing is that i noticed his nose is close by some sort of white thing i took a picture of it before removing it pretty...
YES! That cuttlebone is what i was trying to tell @MissSkittles about i refered to it as dried squid which is what we call it here in saudi arabia i was concerned it might be harmful to him so i didn't use it i can get it really easily thanks for the information he's about to sleep now i'll use...
@MissSkittles @elizaann2 @Sonny13
بيفار مكمل غذائي للزواحف، 20 مل
is this going to do? I'm trying to save a little bit to order calci worms and this one has a very good price can you check it out please i can mix it with water or spray my worms with it before feeding him
There are vets for birds not many for turtles though it's either cat or bird people here i know a vet that could run a test on his poo thanks for reminding me however he mainly treats cats, birds, sheep and camels but i think he should be able to at least test it