Actually they are orange eyes and once the male hit adulthood at around 3 years of age. Younger and juvenile animals start off with like a yellow almost orange type as far as the white lip goes it was around the early 80s to the mid-90s before the travel ban. When the animals were imported here...
Sorry everyone I didn't get back with a update May19 was his visit to the veteran. He did his normal procedures took blood, x-ray ,check mouth and eyes. Blood check normal calcium was at 9.4 but phosphorus 8.1 a little high...kidneys and liver normal. Also on the x-ray they found something in...
I'm going to vet today with my boy he hadn't eating for over a week now :( he also not as active as I usually see him..maybe it's just nothing or just me being paranoid but it's better to be safe than sorry..
I myself use a 4' T5 HO shop light with individual reflextors for each bulb which in turn points the light array directly down into the enclosure for best results. I also mod the unit with a AC Computer fan just to keep the unit cool as you know heat diminish the life span of any bulb's..