Maybe…..he is super terrified of me still. I’m two months I’ve had him just getting him on a stick for cage cleaning has been an ordeal. I also don’t want him to have problems🙈 I’m just not sure if he just has big stuff or if it is indeed a stuck hemi shed? 😖
Hey there I know this is an old thread but did you have any luck keeping your crickets? I’m having trouble keeping enough for my little dude. I had lay bins for the females but I don’t know if they laid eggs?
Doing some cleaning today which was not pleasing to BLT. He thinks I’m a ratchet peasant.
I noticed this black mark on his little mitten? Is that a bruise? Pictures attached
This is something I’m needing in my life! I tried the blender method with the gut loading recipe and freezing in ice cube trays. I’ve noticed that mold sprouts up faster than they can eat it and I’m wasting. Any tips you’d care to share?