I didnt see bee pollen in ingredients of my repashy calcium plus...but feed it regularly to my bugs. I tried smashing it to make a powder. Going to look for bee pollen as a dust since it's hard to break up.
Repashy calcium plus every feeding. Some of the crickets, feeders, would free range in the bottom when it was mesh. They would get misted so I dont know how much dusting they had. I just moved him to bioactive and he doesnt hunt, so feeders wont be roaming...in a big cup instead.
My cham just started rubbing eye and closed for a little bit today. I did drop on cricket. Should I do anythi g else? My misting goes off for almost an hour per day. Vet said eye was healthy and free of debris, fecal good. I did that whole form thing the first time it happened.
Appreciate the response. This is his new setup and I want to check before I end up doing something wrong. He has had issue w eye closing. Everyone said to take off a light I had horizontally mounted on cage...but sun can come from the side not just above. I removed it anyway but need better...
Got it! This should be included in the care sheets and accepted as common knowledge. So many dont take their pets to vet and few vets have this kind of experience. Sounds like a common problem.