His body rejected all the water I gave him an hour ago. I will try in the morning to see if he'll drink and keep it down if he's still with us. He hissed again when I moved my hand which means he's opening his eyes again but is extremely lethargic. I will try the room temp cloth is things get worse.
Hes holding in his eyes and has now decided to lay back down and rest. Bright colors again and eyes now closed again so I don't know what to think of the hiss. It was a rather loud and powerful hiss though
I tried just now to touch him and feel his temperature, he's Luke warm but he hates it. I can try a room temp cloth if that might help. Would it cause too much stress? He's been in a 70 degree room for about 2 hours now
Yeah I misted and dripped on his nose. His body completely rejected the water and he threw it up. He cannot climb and is in way worse shape. Thank you so very much for looking for ways to help I really so appreciate it. I know he won't make it through the night but I'll try my very best to help...
To apollo: I love you. I love you so very much and I hope you know I've done everything in my power to try and give you the best life possible. I know you are in pain and I would like for you to understand that you are the most amazing chameleon ive ever owned. I love you sweet boy
Update: for the first time since I've ever had him... I've seen him close his eyes on me. This has been so very hard but I know it's time to let go and let him cross over. I hope he knows I will be with him through the process though and that he will not be alone
Apollo is in the middle of a heat stroke right now. After my parents divorce I went to stay at my mothers for the night. Friday I checked everything and made my last min preps. Today I come back to find my father had the door closed to the reptile room and the room is about 90 degrees. I open up...
Don't worry, my dad went and bought the big Costco pack... Came back home to find 2 more of those hidden in the back of our dining room lol we have 3 bulk packs of toilet paper now.... If u need one I'm more than happy to provide just fly to the infected county of moco lol
This is the reply you posted before
A female Veiled chameleon who I’ve had since September and is a little over a year
I rarely handle her because she is a school pet
I feed her around 4-5 super worms crickets usually dusted in calcium everyday
I use zoo med Calcium and vitamins and I dust...