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  1. Calypratus

    How to know if healthy

    also what species is it?
  2. Calypratus

    Chameleon on floor

    As long as it is non-toxic and can hold a tunnel properly anything I think anything can work. I'm not so sure about coconut fiber though.
  3. Calypratus

    How to know if healthy

    No, you should avoid feeding mealworms as they can cause compaction. instead feed crickets, locusts, bsfl, silkworms, dubias, and red runners as staples, and hornworms and superworms as treats. Since petsmarts and petcos typically sell veiled chameleons a healthy color for a female will be a...
  4. Calypratus

    Chameleon on floor

    some types of chameleons will lay unfertilized eggs even if they haven;t been with a male (like chickens). They should always have access to a lay bin with moist playsand or soil to bury their eggs. If you don't get her a laybin soon she can become eggbound (which is potentially fatal).
  5. Calypratus

    Bright yellow inside mouth

    his mouth looks normal
  6. Calypratus

    Input on new build

    looks good so far!
  7. Calypratus

    Comment by 'Calypratus' in media 'Hendrix'

    I absolutely LOVE his colors!
  8. Calypratus

    Bug identification

    It kind of looks like mix between a silverfish and lady bug larvae. looks gross either way. Maybe some sort of larvae?
  9. Calypratus

    How to know when to put laying bin in cage

    egg bound is when the females become unable to lay the eggs they are carrying. It can be potentially life threatening.
  10. Calypratus

    Gecko keepers

    he's adorable! I had a gargoyle gecko for a while when i was about 7 or 8 and i had to put him down after he got some weird disease (they thought it was reptilian cancer).
  11. Calypratus

    What’s the most annoying (and obviously wrong) question about chameleons that someone has asked you?

    my grandma thinks so anyway. she thinks that owning reptiles is against god will :confused:
  12. Calypratus

    What’s the most annoying (and obviously wrong) question about chameleons that someone has asked you?

    what really upsets me are the people that think i'm a spawn of satan for owning a reptile.
  13. Calypratus

    smaller feeders and larger quantity vs large feeders every other day

    I did large feeders every other day. you might actually save some money!
  14. Calypratus

    What’s the most annoying (and obviously wrong) question about chameleons that someone has asked you?

    ( heard at reptile house in a zoo) "hey why isn't he changing colors, they're supposed to be rainbow"
  15. Calypratus

    How to position lights over bin.

    Slightly off topic but, I would like to know how to position lights over a plastic lay bin and not melt the plastic. Just for future reference if I wind up with another gravid female.
  16. Calypratus

    Finally, my first chameleon!!

    He is adorable!
  17. Calypratus


    It could be a bruise but it could also be burn. I can't really tell which
  18. Calypratus

    Pygmy Chameleon babies

    Yeah, they don't have the best customer service :rolleyes:
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