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  1. sarah.johnson15

    Growth Stunt???

    He's just so small and he was so young when I got him that I can't tell if he's grown or not
  2. sarah.johnson15

    Growth Stunt???

    Is it possible that my baby Panther Chameleon isn't growing? I got him two months ago (when he was only 2 weeks old) and since then he doesn't look like he's grown at all. Is that possible? I need an outside perspective. The first 3 pictures are from the week I got him (in April) and the last 2...
  3. sarah.johnson15

    Too Young??

    I bought this 2 week old Chameleon and I can not tell if he's a boy or girl. Please help.
  4. sarah.johnson15

    Help Boy or Girl!?!

    2 week Panther Cham
  5. sarah.johnson15

    Help Boy or Girl!?!

    I got a Panther Chameleon and he's only 2 weeks old. I was told multiple times that he's a boy, but he's too young for me to know for sure!
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