I'm happy to say that whatever it WAS. The swelling has subsided and he is no longer dangling the left leg.
He looks sturdy and healthy now.
I'm going to suppose it's because of his improved level of care and I'll pat myself on my back.
I've been doing a lot of reading on the subject and there is a huge gray area about what causes it and what treats it in lizards.
Pretty unfortunate.
I'm going to feed him mostly crickets and monitor him closely.
He ate, drank and now he's perched on a branch with that left leg dangling....
Your Chameleon - male Jacksons. Sub adult. I've had him just 3 weeks.
Handling - seldom. Only when necessary
Feeding - Crickets that I load with roach chow, apples and spring mix. Also some HORSESHOE crab roaches. A few discoids, Hornworms and Superworms.
Supplements - Reptical Calcium each...
Long story short, I have enough HORSESHOE CRAB ROACHES that I can now give away a few adults to a few folks that:
A) Want to start their own colony
B) Can pick them up in person locally in Sunrise Florida 33322
I also have some free Oak leaf substrate and i can even throw in a little...
I installed one on each of my 3 Chameleons cages. The first thing a noticed was how beautiful the 6,500K tubes made everything look!
No longer dim and dingy. Now the cages look like they're outside. (At least near the top)
Those poor lizards are already showing colors like they...
I bought this small "Male" Veiled two days ago. It seems very healthy and all. But he won't stay still out in the open long enough for me to get a good look at those back feet!
What's your thought?
Boy or girl?
Now they come with the substrate tray?
Man. I complained like crazy when I had to buy mine separately!!
They should've ALWAYS been included. But they costed like an extra 30 bucks.
This location used to be called: THE JUNGLE FLORIDA. That place was about the worst excuse for a reptile store ever...
Now under new ownership, I cannot stress how much better this place is now. Not just a new name: COLD BLOODED KINGDOM. But a new owner that actually invested in new equipment...
My Chameleons are thriving. However. I'm having issues with space on top of my 3 REPTIBREEZE XXL cages. Each has a T5 HO UVB strip tube fixture. A T5 plant grow light (thankfully Im only growing low light tolerant pathos) a spot light. A dripper and MISTKING nozzles.
Recently I found these on...