I'm sure it does get a little cooler at night now that my air conditioning is running. I've been noticing that I have been loosing a couple degrees since I've been running a/c. Just trying to keep Dinah Shore as comfortable as possible. I just generally like to ask folks that know more than...
Worried about heat loss and drafts due to my air conditioning is now running. I currently have the cage wrapped in a medium weight plastic on 3 sides. Since I have definitely notice that the humidity and temperature has dropped a few degrees. But yes, that makes perfect sense about the...
Thoughtsand opinions please. I've had to wrap my cage with plastic to prevent heat and humidity loss. What about using a few emergency mylar blankets? I've been thinking about it about it but would appreciate some input.
Hey folks, newbie needs some advice. My female jackson chameleon just absolutely hates it when a calcium dust her crickets. I'm not sure if it's that they're white and look different or if she dislikes the taste. Is there anything I can do to make them more appealing? I don't want her to get any...
I'm still in my learning stage. I'm wanting to set up a drip system for my jackson's female to make sure that she's always got to drink no matter what I'm doing. Is it okay to put a piece of natural sponge to keep from flooding her terrarium? Maybe switch out the piece on a daily basis? Open to...
Yeah, I did a few days ago. There's just not a great deal of information specific to female jackson chameleons other live birth. Well, not that I've been able to find other than here. I was combing through things and ran across this thread.
I'm a newbie Jackson Chameleon female owner also. I've searched all over for 2 weeks to figure out how much a little lady should be eating. I've been soo sick worrying that she's not eating enough. Glad to know she's doing better than I thought. This forum has the best information by far.
I'm a Dinah Shore ... I likes hiddin' from my Daddy and playin' peekaboo, long rain showers and the smell of crickets in the morning.
Wanted to say Thank You for the good information I received yesterday. Anyone who has any tidbits or peculiar info and or stories that they think would be...
Thank you... pet store employees were giving out bad information. I'm disabled and have plenty of time to pour into my little Dinah Shore. It just threw me off with her abrupt change in demeanor the past week. And I did change her things around, so I guess her attitude shows me she just wants...
I was supposed to have gotten a larger cage. When I went to check her they had a nice big cage but it's was gone when my son's went to pick it up the next day (I'm disabled with arm crutches and can't lift anything) the obig one was gone and my sons got the one I presently have. At the beginning...