My chameleon has MBD so i placed him in a small plastic cage, my dad covered the whole box shoved a fogger tube inside, when i checked the whole cage was 100% full of fog. is this ok for the chameleon or will this cause even more problems
Do you know how long MBD last? because my chameleon is clearly getting a little bit more active, but his eyes keep suddenly bulging and always is mostly closed
Before my chameloen had MBD he used to climb on my table and suddenly start eating a orange foam plastic thing for some reason, he didnt just try eat it once, but almost every time i take him out. Any reason how? and if he wants to fruits/vegatables how do i feed him since he is sick now thx yall
My other chameleon, Panther Female, has her mouth opened for a minute or to, her head is not facing up, i do not hear any sounds, and she does it at night, with the lights off, her neck is also swollen but i did some research and it means she has to much supplements, whenever i drip some water...
Currently he is too weak to be eating insects, the temp is right, and everything u said is right, i think the problem is that he ate too much meal worms and has constipation and is oversize for his age, he has super low bone density according to what doctor said
I just wanted to ask that if a chameleon has MBD will he be normal or will he be tired and sleep during the day? I put my chameleon in a small container with a towel on the floor, he isnt moving
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - I had him for 6 months, he is a panther chameleon about 1year and 3 months old
Handling - Once every few days (but not now because he is sick)
Feeding - Before i feed him meal worms and crickets, but now i have to force feed him liquid food
Supplements -...