I have a male veiled chameleon named Pickles. I am unsure of how old he is but he is younger. I got him on November 7. I held him once because we needed to move his cage onto a more stable stand.
He has been eating a lot of Dubia roaches and the crickets. He eats about 10 dubia roaches each day...
I got mine from dubiaroaches.com and they were great! Almost all of them arrived alive and they're still thriving. I also got them in a pretty good amount of time.
I have 3 dogs and they don't seem to bother my chameleon. The cage is by my bed and my dog sleeps with me so he's visible to him and it doesn’t really seem to bother him. The dogs only come in my room if I’m in there or if it is bed time so thats only sometimes. My one dog likes killing...
I have a plant grow bulb and from what i hear it is actually good to have one for certain plants. The light should be okay for your chameleon but I am not sure what wattage is recommended. I got mine off of amazon and mine is a regular bulb. Some get a hanging fixture with the light in it off of...