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  1. ConfusedHornwormGuy

    Are windmill palms safe for chameleons?

    These go up about halfway through the cage so if they eventually get to tall it would probably be a couple years from now.
  2. ConfusedHornwormGuy

    Are windmill palms safe for chameleons?

    I am looking for some tall plants for the tall cages I just finished building and the tallest plants at my local lowes are called windmill palms AKA trachycarpus fortunei. Does anyone have experience with this palm in their enclosure? I can't find any information online regarding whether it's...
  3. ConfusedHornwormGuy

    Custom chameleon cages and drain table in progress

    I love how they look when the room is dark. They look like little house windows with light glowing through!
  4. ConfusedHornwormGuy

    Custom chameleon cages and drain table in progress

    Just finished the cages! Now I just need to stain the drain table, and to add more plants, vines, a bucket and a mistking :)
  5. ConfusedHornwormGuy

    She's getting ready for her third clutch :)

    About 20 each. My understanding is that's the lower end of the average but can be reduced lower with temps or infrequent feedings. I feed her a couple times a week about 5 or 6 crickets and offer hornworms occasionally for hydration between mistings. Vitamin dusting twice a month with calcium...
  6. ConfusedHornwormGuy

    She's getting ready for her third clutch :)

    Just finished cleaning her cage and she came out of hiding to do a bask while showing her beautiful receptive colors. Getting everything cleaned and disinfected with a 50/50 water white vinegar mix, I don't want her picking anything up from the soil when she goes to lay in a few weeks.
  7. ConfusedHornwormGuy

    Custom chameleon cages and drain table in progress

    I've been working on this custom cage setup for a couple weeks and figured I'd share. I'm currently working on building the actual cages and have all of the frames built, I just have to put them together, paint, and put the mesh in, but the table is mostly done, just need to paint the bottom...
  8. ConfusedHornwormGuy

    Receptive / Gravid photo thread

    So cool. I'm looking forward to seeing her future changes.
  9. ConfusedHornwormGuy

    Receptive / Gravid photo thread

    My veiled chameleon just had her second lay the last month or so, her first lay her colors disappeared within about a week, with her second lay it took almost a month. I began to get worried because I thought maybe she had retained an egg, but after a lengthy period of time her coloration...
  10. ConfusedHornwormGuy

    Einsteineesha is a big grumpy pancake B

    She has her ghost mask on, having a good shed!
  11. ConfusedHornwormGuy

    Can a baby jacksons chameleon go 1 day without eating? Local pet shop out of pinheads....

    Ive got a third producing culture on the way, my main culture is still producing and I have a second culture ive started myself, I'm considering starting another today for a total of 4. I went to the local pet shop and bought an almost dead culture and dumped all the excelsior and bad fly food...
  12. ConfusedHornwormGuy

    Can a baby jacksons chameleon go 1 day without eating? Local pet shop out of pinheads....

    In reality im probably putting closer to 25 in there, and they eat them usually throughout the day. Every day I check their cages and they seem to have 1. Either eaten all the insects 2. Some of them escaped, and it's probably a mix of the two, overall they seem to be doing well, they go to the...
  13. ConfusedHornwormGuy

    Can a baby jacksons chameleon go 1 day without eating? Local pet shop out of pinheads....

    It's all I've been able to supply. These babies were unexpected and I've bought out my local pet store, I only have 1 fruit fly culture producing so I've been giving around 15 insects a day - I dump a lot in there so a little more than 15, but I just try to estimate the clump. I'm working on...
  14. ConfusedHornwormGuy

    Can a baby jacksons chameleon go 1 day without eating? Local pet shop out of pinheads....

    I have it sitting next to the baby cages where the temp is around 70 degrees
  15. ConfusedHornwormGuy

    Can a baby jacksons chameleon go 1 day without eating? Local pet shop out of pinheads....

    That's what I thought, just making sure. I fed them some fruit flies out of my culture today, hopefully it wont impact the boom too much.
  16. ConfusedHornwormGuy

    Can a baby jacksons chameleon go 1 day without eating? Local pet shop out of pinheads....

    Actively working on getting a culture producing and going to purchase a second fruit fly culture right now.
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