I can't imagine how someone would manage to crush their chams tongue with them. I'm super careful not to make that mistake. I hold my bugs by the rear of their carapace and pinch the tongs tightly, leaving the head facing my cham, I assist them a bit in their aim to help them line up the shot...
All of my chameleons have been relatively tame, even my veiled by standards of most veiled chameleons - doesn't hiss at me too often, sometimes she does but she does tend to tolerate me.
To produce this behavior in my chameleons, I approach them with large, juicy, dusted bugs at their standard...
Only showed her her reflection one time while she was still showing her pretty colors from trying to attract a male. I don't torment her with her reflection on a regular basis fyi.
Gave her some water and her eye drops and you can tell she is thankful. She usually allows me to spend some time with her after taking care of her needs. She has been tong fed since i got her, so she knows who gives her the food. It's a fun little symbiotic relationship, and I just love how...
Einsteineesha is an ugly feisty B and she HATES that she is all green and doesn't have pretty colors like all of yours. Take a lesson from her and EMBRACE your inner fatness.
If you know of any that'd be fine, I'm working on trying to start my own dubia roach colony right now so I don't have to rely on pet stores and supply chains. With things going the way they are I just worry about my 3 chameleons going hungry, so I'd rather just colonize enough generations of...
Oh wait you know wait I'm thinking of wax worms sorry. Waxworms are the fatty worm, that and mealworms. Regardless though, variety IS not a bad thing, I still offer other feeders, like sometimes my local shop gets hornworms in so I pick those up, waxworms from time to time, and silkworms my...
It's probably because he's used to eating silkworms is why he's rejecting other types of food. I would stave off on those for a little while and give him a more nutritious snack, like dubias. There is a chart somewhere on this forum that shows what the different feeders are for, I'm sure someone...
One thing I noticed, didn't read the whole post because I'm no expert myself, however I noticed you mention you're dusting your insects with repashi - I don't know if this was a typo on your part but I wanted to make sure you knew something about repashi bug burger. Repashi bug burger is...
As of today both of her eyes are open and she's perky, I just gave her a misting and she was rubbing her other eye that hasn't been bothering her, so I'm hoping the issue hasn't spread to the other eye. But as of right now both eyes open and alert, she hasn't been closing the problem eye today...
Today she had her eyes opened on her own, she's had the eye closed since after I gave her the eye drops. She's still eating and drinking and perky, other eye is still good as of yet. If it was a deficiency in this case I would imagine the other eye starting to close won't happen because I caught...
Bugs will eat pretty much anything even if it isn't great for them, so there's definitely certain things you want to be gutloading with. Some people use fresh cut or scrap veggies that dont have mold or bacteria - fresh is important. Alternatively you can purchase a healthy bug food, like...
Also as far as my chameleon goes, it's only one eye, not both, mine is most likely bacterial or parasitic in nature because it's one eye. If yours is doing it with both, my guess is it's supplement/husbandry related, I'm thinking the vitamin A at this point isn't the cause - else the vet...