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  1. jtshipley

    why did my cham sleep low

    my window has been closed for about 30 mimutes and her lights came on 15 ago, shes back up to her basking spot now
  2. jtshipley

    why did my cham sleep low

    thats what i was thinking, my temps are just the same as they usually are, i had my window open all night and we had a pretty big thunderstorm come in , do you think she noticed the change in the air and stayed low?
  3. jtshipley

    why did my cham sleep low

    normally my 5 month old female veiled sleeps high up in her terrarium and tonight she slept real low on a different plant is this normal or should i be concerned?
  4. jtshipley

    looking for baby male jacksons

    does anybody here have or can recommend a good place to buy a baby male jackson
  5. jtshipley

    Age estimate?

    does anyone know how old my female veiled is?
  6. jtshipley

    male or female?

    to everyone on this post is it possible to give a rough estinate of her age, and how difficult is it to keep her healthy while she lays eggs when the time comes and what should i do to prep for this
  7. jtshipley

    male or female?

  8. jtshipley

    male or female?

  9. jtshipley

    male or female?

    hope this helps
  10. jtshipley

    male or female?

    just curious to your opinions, do i have a make or femsle im tginking female. im new to this but have done a ton of research.
  11. jtshipley

    uvb light strip

    hey guys whats the best budget uvb light strip
  12. jtshipley

    i need help setting up my mistking timer, rct-24

    so i got a mistking.... im really struggling on how to set up the timer, ive read the instructions on the website and it just dosent help can anoyone recommend a good video or help me?
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