Now I can’t figure out how to add something new without replying.
But something new today. Some discharge from his right eye and the lower lid which was swollen yesterday is worse. Also he opened his eye and it looked yellow. Does he have another eyelid or something? Because it did not look...
He has spent a lot of time in the sun this week with heavy misting every 2 hours. He does move around on the plant to get into the sun. He seems to be trying to see a little because he moves his eyes around and it seems there may be a tiny slit he can see through. Occasionally he opens his eyes...
Ok got it. I will have worms tomorrow but I won’t be home until late so he will be asleep. I will definitely do this on Thursday if I am unable to sneak a worm in while he is drinking. He is still getting sun and drinking a lot on his own. We are misting him frequently while he is outside in a...
Are there good instructions or video for this? I can get whatever syringe I need. I have a long catheter that the vet gave me to try with my Leo but I didn’t have to do that. She bit the tip of the syringe and I just pushed it right into the side of her mouth and she swallowed it then. Cham...
Ok I can do that. I haven’t been able to find silks lately and order most of my feeders because it is cheaper and the local supply is very limited. I can’t even find Dubia locally. He usually loves hornworms and I will have those soon. 1-2 days. I will ask the local reptile people (we have a...
I have pulverized meal worms before and fed them to a sick leopard gecko who almost died from being egg bound. Not my favorite thing to do but it was necessary. She got better and is still living now it’s been 4 years. What worms should I use? I will have hornworms and those fatty white worms...
Yes I mean open his eyes and move around more. He just sits mostly and doesn’t go far, although today he has moved more while he has been outside. He still feels his way around on branches without opening his eyes. I have been misting him while he is outside every 3 hours and he drinks every...
That sounds right. If I have overdosed him there is no antidote I guess?
He is drinking a lot today. I have a problem with “less is more” in a lot of things I do.
I’m sorry I can’t figure out the quote thing.
The 90-95 is only directly under the 3 inches. Another 3 inches down it’s 85. He almost never goes to the very top.
I really thought I had underdosed him on vitamin A so I started using that instead. Kammerflage recommends that one only. Says it’s enough for all of its chameleons. I asked the vet in June and actually took it with me. She said to keep using it. I probably wasn’t using it as much before—just...
He is outside now and I misted his cage and his ficus plant thoroughly. He got a big drink and I caught a pretty good mouth picture I think. It’s 74 degrees out right now. I am off work today and can add plants and more wall coverage today. I also have a fogger that I am not using. I have it for...
[="Mawtyplant, post: 1501655, member: 42095"]
3)any signs of anything like mouth gasping, excess of mucous any strange behavior since past 5 month (anything event if you think its not relevant
No other abnormal behavior or mucus production either. I mentioned everything abnormal or different...
1)I haven’t force fed him. I don’t know how anyway. I have never done that.
I always have put his food in his cage and let him eat on his own. He free roam eats or whatever you call it. If he didn’t finish his feed from 2-3 days prior then I would not give him more.
2)it has only been very hot...