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  1. liberty


    thank you all!
  2. liberty


    Ive had my female veiled chameleon for a little under 5 months. She has not layerd any eggs yet & I am trying to prepare myself for this when she finally does. I know that egg laying can take a huge toll on their bodies and shorten their life span. I also know that they are easily stressed out...
  3. liberty

    Advice and tips wanted !

    i have had my female veiled for about 2 months. She's adjusted well, I've been able to hand feed her and handle her without problem and it's been great getting to know her little personality. My only concern now is about egg laying. I don't know her age, my guess is not very old. Although the...
  4. liberty

    New chameleon mama

    this is a better picture, size wise. I also don't know if someone could tell how old she is by just looking at this. My guess is rather young? (she was sleeping/woken up that's why she's laying like this).
  5. liberty

    New chameleon mama

    this is my baby. This is the best picture I've gotten, since I find it hard to get really close with my phone and take a good picture without her being afraid. I'm not sure if a person can tell that she lacks the heel spurs by this but just looking at her I think I can tell that she definitely...
  6. liberty

    New chameleon mama

    Yes this site has definitely been one of the most helpful. it's great to hear from people who share the same experience and have detailed knowledge. thanks so much, love your name choice as well :)
  7. liberty

    New chameleon mama

    I did a lot of research on how females differ from males. My cham appears to lack the spurs on her heels, but i will post a picture when I can just to get that confirmed :)
  8. liberty

    New chameleon mama

    My boyfriend was the one who got me my chameleon as a surprise so i decided to let him name it. We thought it was a boy at first but now that I know my Cham is a female, her name is Luna (named after Luna Lovegood, my favorite Harry Potter character) :)
  9. liberty

    New chameleon mama

    thank you so much, i feel much more relieved after reading this. Just a little while after posting this i was able to hand feed her a few meal worms and she acted very calm and interested. Progress! :)
  10. liberty

    New chameleon mama

    Oh yes, I remember reading about doing that. thank you!
  11. liberty

    New chameleon mama

    After being obsessed and doing a lot of research for a long time, I have recently gotten my first chameleon, a veiled. I got her maybe three weeks ago. I was unsure at first but after research I am almost positive it is a female. I got her at a pet store and do not know how old she is but I...
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